lørdag den 14. maj 2011

Dy 24. Wednesday. Leon discovers an important fact.

I discovered late last night that I have been using a 3g spoon not a 10g spoon for the creatine. Bollocks! Looking on the bright side this means that I've eaten about 20 kcal less then I thought I had for the last 3 days....... but I also missed out on 3 days muscle growth. Again bollocks.

Today I trained weights again and then ............................

The food:

25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Protein Fabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

During / after training 40g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 37g protein

Days main meal split in about 4-5 meals (758 kcal) + 69g protein
100g Chic peas (365 kcal) + 20g protein
220g chicken breast (242 kcal) + 44g protein
143g carrots (58 kcal)
86g tomato (15 kcal)
70g green peas (54 kcal) + 5g protein
30g sweet corn (24 kcal)

Late night snack
300g A38 (120 kcal) + 10g protein

1558 kcal + 157g protein

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