fredag den 27. maj 2011

Day 40. Friday. weigh day #6 the end results.

So here it is, the big day. The final weigh in.

The goal was to loose 6 kilos of fat in six weeks (really 39 days) and end up with a six pack.
Our theory was simple:
As I began the training with a good amount of muscle mass and training experience our focus was stripping the fat and not building muscle mass (that would take much longer).
The goal was to have a calorie deficit of 1000 kcal a day so my body would burn off more than 158g fat as energy. We also new we needed at least 2g of protein per kilos body weight in order to avoid loss of muscle mass.

The method was pretty straight forward:
  • Eat 1800 kcal a day of which there must be minimum 160g protein (that accounts for 672 kcal) and preferably 500g vegetables.
  • Train 12 times a week spread over 6 days. 3 x heavy weight training, 3 x interval training and 6 hours of cardio with a pulse averaging 70-75% VO2 max.
  • 1 rest day a week
6 weeks on I've averaged an intake of 1736 kcal per day and stuck to my training schedule, with only one unplanned rest day.

On the 15th of April I weighed 82 kilos and had a fat % of 21.8 that is 17.9 kilos. 

I looked like this.

Today after only 39 days I weigh 75.3 kilos and have a fat % of 15 that is 11.3 kilos. WOW

That means that I have lost 6.6 kilos of pure fat that is 170g per day!!

And here is the picture....

That is pretty amazing if I do say so my self. 

I got the definition I was after, I lost more then 6 kilos and you can not deny that is a six pack. 

I am extremely happy, the results are way beyond my expectations. Not only 10% over the goal but the end result is excellent. 
Here is a picture of all the readings, you can see them all in the blog if you want to check the details.

 And here is a close up of todays results.

I'm going to take it easy this weekend, drink a couple of beers and enjoy my self. Then back to training on Monday, I'm going to stick to a softer version of the program to try and remain the weight I am now. I don't want to loose any more weight or even up my muscle mass. I'm going to update the blog in 6 weeks so you can see how I am holding out.

Thanks for reading.


torsdag den 26. maj 2011

Day 39. Thursday. Special thanks

It's the last day of the challenge and I can't wait to drink a beer tomorrow night!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody that has supported me with the program. Thanks to Proteinfabrikken for their great products, Chris Pickering for challenging me on a daily basis, thanks to Patrick Boiken for pushing me, thanks to everybody (and there are so many of you) who has shown there interest and support for the project.
I need to especially thank my wife Rikke. She has been fantastic. From day 1 she jumped at the chance to join in and has even lost a couple of kilos herself. She has put up with buckets of protein powder everywhere, with me being tired all the time, me frying chicken at 6 am in the morning and training for hours in the weekend. Without her support this would not have worked at all. Thank you.

Todays training consisted of the 30-30 intervals followed by 30 min x-trianer and 30 min cardio wave.
Total of 1 hour cardio. No problems.
Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

5g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (19 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein
Main meal split in 3 (571 kcal) 55,5g protein
140g Tuna (162 kcal) 40g protein
100g quinoa (350 kcal) + 13,5g protein
74g Mushrooms (16 kcal) + 2g protein
59g carrots (24 kcal)
65g red bell peppers (19 kcal) 

Snack 200g chicken breast (220 kcal) + 40g protein

Late night snack (120 kcal) + 7g protein
200g yoghurt 120 kcal + 7g protein

The grand total for today is 1571 kcal with 181,5g protein

Today was easy. It's the last day of training before the weigh in. Now there is nothing I can do. I made it or I didn't. Lets see tomorrow.

onsdag den 25. maj 2011

Day 38. Wednesday. Getting close.

Hello again.

It's Wednesday and the penultimate training day of the challenge.

On the program today was Patricks weight training program. Changed it up a little, kept the exercises but just super setted everything with stomach exercises to get a real good ab workout. I followed that with 1 hour of outdoor running. It was windy and cold.

Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

5g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (19 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Snack 109g Chicken breast (119 kcal) + 22g protein

Main meal split in 2 (593 kcal) + 59g protein
100g full corn bulgur (300 kcal) + 15g protein
218g Chicken breast (239 kcal) + 44g protein
2 small carrots (29 kcal) 
106g cucumber (12 kcal)
75g tomato (13 kcal)
Snack 109g Chicken breast (119 kcal) + 22g protein

Late night snack (186 kcal) + 7g protein
200g A38 80 kcal + 7g protein
1 apple (65 kcal)
100g strawberrys (41 kcal)

The grand total for today is 1635 kcal with 189g protein

Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge. Of course the weigh in is on Friday but tomorrow is the last training and food day. I really can't wait to get my food freedom back!!

tirsdag den 24. maj 2011

Day 37. Tuesday. At home with Elliot.

Hi everybody.

My son (Elliot) fell off the sofa last night and sprained his ankle (just like his Dad) so I was off work today looking after him as he can't walk enough to be in school. He's going to be fine don't worry.

That's just means that I couldn't train in the morning and that I had to train in the evening when my wife got home. That is actually a blessing. I always find it hard to train Tuesday mornings after playing football late Monday night so today I had the chance to recuperate and train even harder in the evening.

The days training was:
30 min run to SATS Hvidovre followed by 4X5 intervals (4 min high interval, 2 min active break x 5) on the step machine after that I ran home another 30 min cardio.
All in all 90 min cardio.
Just for the record I did not enjoy it at all. I had my football shoes on as my running shoes are still at work (hens the intervals on the stepper not the treadmill), the wind was against me all the way out there,  my ipod ran out of battery after 20 min and I rained on the way home. But we're to close to be skipping sessions now.  

Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

5g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (19 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

1st meal (138 kcal ) 11g protein
43g rye bread (81 kcal) + 1g protein
53g cooked ham (57 kcal) + 10g protein

Snack = 1 boiled egg (67 kcal) + 6g protein

Snack = 1 boiled egg (67 kcal) + 6g protein

Snack 1 Banana (80 kcal) 1g protein

Main meal (447 kcal) + 46g protein
30g chic peas (109 kcal) + 6g protein
172g minced chicken (223 kcal) + 34g protein
100g green peas (78 kcal) + 6 g protein
30g sweet corn (24 kcal)
75g tomato (13 kcal)

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Late night snack (186 kcal) + 7g protein
200g A38 80 kcal + 7g protein
1 apple (65 kcal)
100g strawberrys (41 kcal)

The grand total for today is 1645 kcal with 155g protein

2 training days left.

mandag den 23. maj 2011

Day 36. Monday. Long day.

Hello everyone.

It's Monday and I've been on 10g Proteinfabrikken creatine a day for 14 days now so as from tomorrow I'll be down to 5g.

It's a busy day at work today so that means I need to making an early start.

I started this morning with Patricks weights program plus some extra ab exercises (kneeling crunches super set with windscreen wipers) followed by 45 min cardio. Then I'll work for about 10-11 hours and in the evening finishing up with 1 hour football. I'll sleep well tonight!!
So 105min cardio all in all for the day just a little more spread out than usual.

Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

1st meal 130g Chicken breast (143 kcal) + 26g protein

Main meal spilt in 4 (598 kcal) + 60 g protein =
100g chic peas (365 kcal) + 20g protein
140g tuna (162 kcal) + 40g protein 
97g yellow bell pepper (29 kcal)
98g Carrots (40 kcal)
5g onion (2 kcal)

Snack 1 banana (80 kcal) + 1g protein

Late night snack (185 kcal) + 10,5
300g A38 (120 kcal) + 10,5g protein
1 apple (65 kcal)

The total =  1686 with 165g protein

Perfect start to the week.
I Hope I can still train full power tomorrow morning. That has been my problem so far, how to train on tuesdays after a hard monday? I'll just have to grit my teath and do it. Too close to the finish line to be skipping sessions.

søndag den 22. maj 2011

Day 35. Sunday. The last rest day. Pancake day

Today was my rest day and I spent it doing home improvements, so very little rest again.

I spoke with the nice people at Proteinfabrikken again as I needed refills. I told them that I was doing well but of course I miss a little something sweet and tasty once in a while. "No problem" they say. "try our protein pancakes."
Low calorie content, high in protein and they taste better then normal pancakes. Just what I need. Thanks Proteinfabrikken. I'm not a body builder and I have no ambition of being one but to be fair these are a body builders dream.
Let's see how the days food fit in.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

1st meal 170g Chicken breast (187 kcal) + 36g protein

Snack 1 banana (80 kcal) + 1g protein

2nd meal 125g mackerel (187 kcal) + 17,5g protein

3rd meal Proteinfabrikken protein pancakes (130 kcal) 10,5g protein

Main meal (322 kcal) + 28g protein =
140g Chicken breast (154 kcal) 28g protein
78g Cabbage (17 kcal)
180g Cauliflower (33 kcal)
47g Onion (18 kcal)
190g Carrots (66 kcal)
80g red bell pepper (24 kcal)
50g courgette (10 kcal)

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

Late night snack (145 kcal) + 7g protein =
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
1 Apple (65 kcal)

Todays total 1676 kcal with 165g protein

It's tough going under 1700! Tomorrow I'll be on full speed 4 days to go. 

lørdag den 21. maj 2011

Day 34. Saturday. Blistering pace.

Hi Everybody.
It's Saturday and I'm doing very well.

After the run yesterday I left my running shoes at work forgetting that I meant to run today. No problem I'll just use these other trainers I have, they'll be fine I thought to my self.

I ran 30 min to SATS Hvidovre. Got on the treadmill and did the 30 sec max speed, 30 second off X 15 intervals. Then I ran the 30 min home.
Half way I thought I felt a slight discomfort on my left big toe, on closer inspection when I got home I have the mother of all blood blisters.

Sorry you had to see that. The picture is pretty pore but believe me it is huge.

As I said I'm doing good now. I enjoyed the run and the intervals today. I'm back on top and full of energy. I'm ready for the finishing sprint. Rest day tomorrow then 4 days of hard work. I will get those 900g off.

Let's look at the days food. I had to run early today so I ate as soon as I woke up to avoid feeling sick.

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

After the run 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

1st meal 178g Chicken breast (195 kcal) + 36g protein

2nd meal 46g rye bread and 50g Cooked ham (146 kcal) + 11g protein.

Snack 1 Boiled egg (67 kcal) + 6g protein

Snack 1 apple (65 kcal)

Main meal (327 kcal) + 40g protein =
200g Chicken breast (220 kcal) 40g protein
5g Garlic (8 kcal)
289g Cauliflower (75 kcal)
110g Asparagus (24 kcal)

Late night snack (192 kcal) + 8g protein =
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
1 banana (80 kcal) 1g
100g Strawberries (32 kcal)

Todays total 1672 kcal with 180g protein

Tomorrow is my last rest day. I'm going to enjoy it and make sure I'm fully charged for next week.

Good luck to all my friends and companions who are running in the Copenhagen marathon tomorrow. I hope the weather stays dry.

See you tomorrow.