fredag den 27. maj 2011

Day 40. Friday. weigh day #6 the end results.

So here it is, the big day. The final weigh in.

The goal was to loose 6 kilos of fat in six weeks (really 39 days) and end up with a six pack.
Our theory was simple:
As I began the training with a good amount of muscle mass and training experience our focus was stripping the fat and not building muscle mass (that would take much longer).
The goal was to have a calorie deficit of 1000 kcal a day so my body would burn off more than 158g fat as energy. We also new we needed at least 2g of protein per kilos body weight in order to avoid loss of muscle mass.

The method was pretty straight forward:
  • Eat 1800 kcal a day of which there must be minimum 160g protein (that accounts for 672 kcal) and preferably 500g vegetables.
  • Train 12 times a week spread over 6 days. 3 x heavy weight training, 3 x interval training and 6 hours of cardio with a pulse averaging 70-75% VO2 max.
  • 1 rest day a week
6 weeks on I've averaged an intake of 1736 kcal per day and stuck to my training schedule, with only one unplanned rest day.

On the 15th of April I weighed 82 kilos and had a fat % of 21.8 that is 17.9 kilos. 

I looked like this.

Today after only 39 days I weigh 75.3 kilos and have a fat % of 15 that is 11.3 kilos. WOW

That means that I have lost 6.6 kilos of pure fat that is 170g per day!!

And here is the picture....

That is pretty amazing if I do say so my self. 

I got the definition I was after, I lost more then 6 kilos and you can not deny that is a six pack. 

I am extremely happy, the results are way beyond my expectations. Not only 10% over the goal but the end result is excellent. 
Here is a picture of all the readings, you can see them all in the blog if you want to check the details.

 And here is a close up of todays results.

I'm going to take it easy this weekend, drink a couple of beers and enjoy my self. Then back to training on Monday, I'm going to stick to a softer version of the program to try and remain the weight I am now. I don't want to loose any more weight or even up my muscle mass. I'm going to update the blog in 6 weeks so you can see how I am holding out.

Thanks for reading.


torsdag den 26. maj 2011

Day 39. Thursday. Special thanks

It's the last day of the challenge and I can't wait to drink a beer tomorrow night!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody that has supported me with the program. Thanks to Proteinfabrikken for their great products, Chris Pickering for challenging me on a daily basis, thanks to Patrick Boiken for pushing me, thanks to everybody (and there are so many of you) who has shown there interest and support for the project.
I need to especially thank my wife Rikke. She has been fantastic. From day 1 she jumped at the chance to join in and has even lost a couple of kilos herself. She has put up with buckets of protein powder everywhere, with me being tired all the time, me frying chicken at 6 am in the morning and training for hours in the weekend. Without her support this would not have worked at all. Thank you.

Todays training consisted of the 30-30 intervals followed by 30 min x-trianer and 30 min cardio wave.
Total of 1 hour cardio. No problems.
Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

5g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (19 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein
Main meal split in 3 (571 kcal) 55,5g protein
140g Tuna (162 kcal) 40g protein
100g quinoa (350 kcal) + 13,5g protein
74g Mushrooms (16 kcal) + 2g protein
59g carrots (24 kcal)
65g red bell peppers (19 kcal) 

Snack 200g chicken breast (220 kcal) + 40g protein

Late night snack (120 kcal) + 7g protein
200g yoghurt 120 kcal + 7g protein

The grand total for today is 1571 kcal with 181,5g protein

Today was easy. It's the last day of training before the weigh in. Now there is nothing I can do. I made it or I didn't. Lets see tomorrow.

onsdag den 25. maj 2011

Day 38. Wednesday. Getting close.

Hello again.

It's Wednesday and the penultimate training day of the challenge.

On the program today was Patricks weight training program. Changed it up a little, kept the exercises but just super setted everything with stomach exercises to get a real good ab workout. I followed that with 1 hour of outdoor running. It was windy and cold.

Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

5g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (19 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Snack 109g Chicken breast (119 kcal) + 22g protein

Main meal split in 2 (593 kcal) + 59g protein
100g full corn bulgur (300 kcal) + 15g protein
218g Chicken breast (239 kcal) + 44g protein
2 small carrots (29 kcal) 
106g cucumber (12 kcal)
75g tomato (13 kcal)
Snack 109g Chicken breast (119 kcal) + 22g protein

Late night snack (186 kcal) + 7g protein
200g A38 80 kcal + 7g protein
1 apple (65 kcal)
100g strawberrys (41 kcal)

The grand total for today is 1635 kcal with 189g protein

Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge. Of course the weigh in is on Friday but tomorrow is the last training and food day. I really can't wait to get my food freedom back!!

tirsdag den 24. maj 2011

Day 37. Tuesday. At home with Elliot.

Hi everybody.

My son (Elliot) fell off the sofa last night and sprained his ankle (just like his Dad) so I was off work today looking after him as he can't walk enough to be in school. He's going to be fine don't worry.

That's just means that I couldn't train in the morning and that I had to train in the evening when my wife got home. That is actually a blessing. I always find it hard to train Tuesday mornings after playing football late Monday night so today I had the chance to recuperate and train even harder in the evening.

The days training was:
30 min run to SATS Hvidovre followed by 4X5 intervals (4 min high interval, 2 min active break x 5) on the step machine after that I ran home another 30 min cardio.
All in all 90 min cardio.
Just for the record I did not enjoy it at all. I had my football shoes on as my running shoes are still at work (hens the intervals on the stepper not the treadmill), the wind was against me all the way out there,  my ipod ran out of battery after 20 min and I rained on the way home. But we're to close to be skipping sessions now.  

Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

5g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (19 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

1st meal (138 kcal ) 11g protein
43g rye bread (81 kcal) + 1g protein
53g cooked ham (57 kcal) + 10g protein

Snack = 1 boiled egg (67 kcal) + 6g protein

Snack = 1 boiled egg (67 kcal) + 6g protein

Snack 1 Banana (80 kcal) 1g protein

Main meal (447 kcal) + 46g protein
30g chic peas (109 kcal) + 6g protein
172g minced chicken (223 kcal) + 34g protein
100g green peas (78 kcal) + 6 g protein
30g sweet corn (24 kcal)
75g tomato (13 kcal)

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Late night snack (186 kcal) + 7g protein
200g A38 80 kcal + 7g protein
1 apple (65 kcal)
100g strawberrys (41 kcal)

The grand total for today is 1645 kcal with 155g protein

2 training days left.

mandag den 23. maj 2011

Day 36. Monday. Long day.

Hello everyone.

It's Monday and I've been on 10g Proteinfabrikken creatine a day for 14 days now so as from tomorrow I'll be down to 5g.

It's a busy day at work today so that means I need to making an early start.

I started this morning with Patricks weights program plus some extra ab exercises (kneeling crunches super set with windscreen wipers) followed by 45 min cardio. Then I'll work for about 10-11 hours and in the evening finishing up with 1 hour football. I'll sleep well tonight!!
So 105min cardio all in all for the day just a little more spread out than usual.

Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

1st meal 130g Chicken breast (143 kcal) + 26g protein

Main meal spilt in 4 (598 kcal) + 60 g protein =
100g chic peas (365 kcal) + 20g protein
140g tuna (162 kcal) + 40g protein 
97g yellow bell pepper (29 kcal)
98g Carrots (40 kcal)
5g onion (2 kcal)

Snack 1 banana (80 kcal) + 1g protein

Late night snack (185 kcal) + 10,5
300g A38 (120 kcal) + 10,5g protein
1 apple (65 kcal)

The total =  1686 with 165g protein

Perfect start to the week.
I Hope I can still train full power tomorrow morning. That has been my problem so far, how to train on tuesdays after a hard monday? I'll just have to grit my teath and do it. Too close to the finish line to be skipping sessions.

søndag den 22. maj 2011

Day 35. Sunday. The last rest day. Pancake day

Today was my rest day and I spent it doing home improvements, so very little rest again.

I spoke with the nice people at Proteinfabrikken again as I needed refills. I told them that I was doing well but of course I miss a little something sweet and tasty once in a while. "No problem" they say. "try our protein pancakes."
Low calorie content, high in protein and they taste better then normal pancakes. Just what I need. Thanks Proteinfabrikken. I'm not a body builder and I have no ambition of being one but to be fair these are a body builders dream.
Let's see how the days food fit in.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

1st meal 170g Chicken breast (187 kcal) + 36g protein

Snack 1 banana (80 kcal) + 1g protein

2nd meal 125g mackerel (187 kcal) + 17,5g protein

3rd meal Proteinfabrikken protein pancakes (130 kcal) 10,5g protein

Main meal (322 kcal) + 28g protein =
140g Chicken breast (154 kcal) 28g protein
78g Cabbage (17 kcal)
180g Cauliflower (33 kcal)
47g Onion (18 kcal)
190g Carrots (66 kcal)
80g red bell pepper (24 kcal)
50g courgette (10 kcal)

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

Late night snack (145 kcal) + 7g protein =
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
1 Apple (65 kcal)

Todays total 1676 kcal with 165g protein

It's tough going under 1700! Tomorrow I'll be on full speed 4 days to go. 

lørdag den 21. maj 2011

Day 34. Saturday. Blistering pace.

Hi Everybody.
It's Saturday and I'm doing very well.

After the run yesterday I left my running shoes at work forgetting that I meant to run today. No problem I'll just use these other trainers I have, they'll be fine I thought to my self.

I ran 30 min to SATS Hvidovre. Got on the treadmill and did the 30 sec max speed, 30 second off X 15 intervals. Then I ran the 30 min home.
Half way I thought I felt a slight discomfort on my left big toe, on closer inspection when I got home I have the mother of all blood blisters.

Sorry you had to see that. The picture is pretty pore but believe me it is huge.

As I said I'm doing good now. I enjoyed the run and the intervals today. I'm back on top and full of energy. I'm ready for the finishing sprint. Rest day tomorrow then 4 days of hard work. I will get those 900g off.

Let's look at the days food. I had to run early today so I ate as soon as I woke up to avoid feeling sick.

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

After the run 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

1st meal 178g Chicken breast (195 kcal) + 36g protein

2nd meal 46g rye bread and 50g Cooked ham (146 kcal) + 11g protein.

Snack 1 Boiled egg (67 kcal) + 6g protein

Snack 1 apple (65 kcal)

Main meal (327 kcal) + 40g protein =
200g Chicken breast (220 kcal) 40g protein
5g Garlic (8 kcal)
289g Cauliflower (75 kcal)
110g Asparagus (24 kcal)

Late night snack (192 kcal) + 8g protein =
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
1 banana (80 kcal) 1g
100g Strawberries (32 kcal)

Todays total 1672 kcal with 180g protein

Tomorrow is my last rest day. I'm going to enjoy it and make sure I'm fully charged for next week.

Good luck to all my friends and companions who are running in the Copenhagen marathon tomorrow. I hope the weather stays dry.

See you tomorrow.

fredag den 20. maj 2011

Day 33. Friday. Weigh day # 5.

Here it is, it's Friday again. It's weigh day.

Now there is just 6 days left of the program and I'm pretty close. You're going to have to scroll down if you want to see just how close I am.

Today I trained for the last time with my personal trainer Patrick Boiken. It was hard but that is just what I need.
I'm on my own now for the duration and I'm going to hit it as hard as I can to make sure to rip those abbs and squeeze every possible gram of fat out of my body.
After training with Patrick I ran outside for 45 min. That was tough and I felt drained after the weights session but I feel good now. 

The food: I'm going to cut back a bit on the calories.1650-1700 kcal is the goal for the last 6 days. Still 160g protein.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

1st meal 46g rye bread and 125g makerel (276 kcal) + 18,5g protein. 

2nd meal 2 salmon frikadella (94 kcal) + 16g protein

Main meal (337 kcal) + 38g protein =
178g Chicken breast (195 kcal) 36g protein
5g Garlic (8 kcal)
110g Green beans (28 kcal) + 2g protein
74g Carrot (30 kcal)
52g Asparagus (11 kcal)
62g Apple (65 kcal)

Late night snack (282 kcal) + 10,5g protein =
300g A38 (120 kcal) 9,5g protein
1 banana (80 kcal) 1g
100g Strawberries (32 kcal)
100g Pineapple (50 kcal)

Todays total 1669 kcal with 162g protein

So here are the results.......

On the 15th of April I weighed 82 kilos there of 21.8% fat which is 17.9 kilos.
After 1 week 80.7 kilos, 20.3% fat which is 16.4 kilos.
After 2 weeks 80 kilos, 18.4% fat which is 14.7 kilos of fat.
After 3 weeks 79.9 kilos, 17.8% fat which is 14.2 kilos of fat.
After 4 weeks 78.1 kilos, 17% fat which is 13.3 kilos of fat.

After 5 weeks 77.6 kilos, 16.5% fat which is 12.8 kilos of fat. 

This week I have lost another 500g of fat. That puts me on a total fat loss of 5.1 kilos in 5 weeks.

Still ahead of schedule but that puts the pressure on a little bit, it's going to go to the wire. Now I really need to knuckle down to loose the last 900g in the next 6 days. No missing training now no matter how tired I am.

Check this picture out. I look a bit of a psycho here, honestly I'm really quite a nice guy.

Now we're starting to see some results. It's also really noticable in my face as well.
The hard work is starting to pay off.
There is still room for improvement, always room for improvement.

Tomorrow is for running and intervals. Hope you have a great weekend.

torsdag den 19. maj 2011

Day 32. Thursday. Never underestimate the power of sleep.

Hello again.

Today the blog notched up it's 1000th visit. Thankyou everybody for all the support.

Today is Thursday and It's the penultimate weigh in tomorrow. Last week I was on track and only 1.4 kilos of fat away from my goal. I'm quietly confident.
Today I'm back on top form again.

Never underestimate the power of sleep!! I've had 2 nights with 9-10 hours sleep and now I'm feeling as good as a very good thing.

Today I did the 4x4 intervals on the tredmill (4 min max speed 2 min 8km/h X4) and it felt really good. After that I did 30 min on the X-trainer at a good tempo, 5 min skipping (hard) and then rounded off with 30 min on the cardio wave all in all 65 min cardio. I felt I could do more but I don't want to have to rest again tomorrow.

The food: No slip ups today!! I was 82 kcal over yesterday so today I need to get that back.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Snack 100g chicken breast (110 kcal) + 20g protein

Snack 100g chicken breast (110 kcal) + 20g protein

Main meal split in 4 (600 kcal) + 56,5g protein
200g chicken breast (220 kcal) + 40 g protein
100g Bulgur (300 kcal) + 15g protein
86g cucumber (10 kcal)
83g Carrot (34 kcal)
10g onion (4 kcal)
109g red bell pepper (32 kcal) + 1,5 g protein

Late night snack (120 kcal) + 4,5g protein=
1 banana (80 kcal) 1g protein
100g A38 (40 kcal) 3,5g protein

All together 1620 kcal + 180g protein

Side note: It was a really good food day for me. Only 1620 kcal, happy, not hungry ever and plenty of protein. The full corn bulgur is good for me.

Cross your fingers for the weigh in tomorrow.

onsdag den 18. maj 2011

Day 31. Wednesday. 1 month in.

Wednesday the 18th

Feeling better today.
This morning I was feeling pretty flat but as the day went on I picked up a bit. We suspect that I might be a little low on iron. That explains the tiredness and that I look a little pale. I’m going to try to get some iron via some extra vitamin tablets the next couple of days. I hope that works.
Didn’t have the energy to take the boxing class after all but I did….
The normal weights program plus crunches on the swiss ball and dips.
After that I did 20 min on the sofa bike and 20 min on the cardio wave machine. That gives me 40 min cardio I’m going for another 10 hours sleep tonight and I’m counting on being on top form tomorrow.

The food:
I miscalculated today for the first time. I didn’t type in the second portion of protein, the one for 40g (148 kcal), in my little food application on my phone so I’ve been under the impression that I’ve been well under today. Luckily I didn’t go too crazy today so only 82 kcal over. If I had known I would have dropped the banana on the late night snack. I’ll have to be less than 1700 tomorrow.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein (this is the one I forgot to type in)

1 piece of rye bread and 125g makrel (253 kcal) 18,5g protein

1 piece of rye bread (67 kcal) + 1g protein

Main meal split up into 4 (657 kcal) + 54g protein
100g chick peas (365 kcal) 20g protein
140g tuna (162 kcal) 30g protein
2 tomatoes (11 kcal)
1 spring onion (2 kcal)
1 carrot (27 kcal)
60g green peas (50 kcal) 4g protein
30g sweet corn (40 kcal)

Late night snack (225 kcal) + 8g protein
1 banana (80 kcal) 1g protein
100g pineapple (50 kcal)
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
47g strawberries (15 kcal)

1882 kcal + 160,5g protein

tirsdag den 17. maj 2011

Day 30. Tuesday. Harder then I thought.

Hi everybody.

I've only got 9 days left after today so I really need to make these days count.
Unfortunately today took me by surprise. After 2 hours of training yesterday morning and playing football late last night, today my legs felt like bags of sand. Heavy, wet and dragging behind me.

Needless to say after 15 min intervals on the treadmill I gave up. So I tried cycling. After 15 min cycling I had to give that up too. Much less cardio then planned today but there is nothing I can do about it. What I need now is 10 hours sleep and a fresh start in the morning. I can catch up tomorrow by doing a 90 min boxing class on top of the normal and then sleeping well tomorrow night. That should put me back on track.

Today's Food:

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

Snack (157 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread with 100g fish eggs. 11,5g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Snack (157 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread with 100g fish eggs. 11,5g protein

Snack 50g dark chocolate (half a bar) = (290 kcal) that's a lot but my blood sugar was rock bottom.

main meal (400 kcal) + 58g protein =
250g chicken (275 kcal) + 50g proetin
5g garlic (8 kcal)
266g broccoli (93 kcal) + 8g protein
60g onoin (24 kcal)

Late night snack (132 kcal)  3g protein
50g A38 (20 kcal) + 2g protein
1 banana (80 kcal) + 1g protein
100g strawberry's (32 kcal)

1816 kcal with 163g protein. A little bit over on a low training day is not good but I'm sure I'll catch up tomorrow.

I'll let you know how I got tomorrow.

mandag den 16. maj 2011

Day 29. Monday monday. Hard day but a good day.


It's monday and I'm good and tired today after a short weekend. Even though I feel tired I'm still having a good time with this. It's hard and draining but I feel like I'm learning loads from the experiance and that the result will be well worth it.

I've done the weights program with a couple of changes today:
I super set
  • Squats with incline press but now I want to press 36k in each hand and I can't get them up on my own (no puns needed thanks!) so that presents a problem.
  • Corner twists with lunges with my back foot on a bench.
  • Ring wide grip chins with side raises
  • Chest press machine (as I felt I didn't get enough out of the incline press on my own) with  Hamstring curls
  • Bench crunches with windsreen wipers (hang from a chin up bar straight legs lifted swing from side to side)
So two more exercises then normal.
After that I did 15 min on the sofa bike, 15 min on the stepper, 15 min on the cardio wave and finish off with 15 min on the cardio bike. 60 min total cardio today. Plus I'm going to play 1 hour of football tonight. Big day for training. Hope I can still train tomorrow morning I still have 1.3 kilos off fat to drop!!

The food today:

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Main meal split in 5 small meals (707 kcal) + 78 protein =
350g chicken breast (385 kcal) + 70g protein
Small head of lettuce (19 kcal)
1 Carrot (34 kcal)
1 spring onion (3kcal)
200g Bulgur, cooked (266 kcal) + 8g protein

snack (67 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread. + 1 g protien

snack (67 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread. + 1 g protien

Late night post football snack (213 kcal) + 10g protein =
200g A38 (80 kcal) + 7g protein
1 banana (80 kcal) + 1 g protein
10 almonds (53 kcal) + 2 g protein

Total 1734 kcal with 165,5g protein

Tomorrow will be tough after 3 hours training today but I'm so close to the finish line that I don't care.

Have a great night.

søndag den 15. maj 2011

Day 28. Sunday.

Hello again.

It's Sunday, intervals and cardio today.

I forgot to tell you about the ice cream experience form Friday. As you know I saved up 300 kcal during Friday and rewarded my self Friday night with an almond magnum. After 4 weeks with no sugar, other then what I get from fruit, it was quite a mind blowing experience. It's like nothing else in the world existed in those 5 min it took to eat them, I tasted soooo unbelievably good. I actually felt a bit dizzy after and didn't feel too hungry. Worth it.      

Today I ran to SATS Hvidovre with my brother in law Emil, he's a cool guy. It took us about 20 min. There I did 30-30 intervals, 30 sec as fast as I can then 30 sec off for 15 min. Then we ran/ walked home. That took about 30 min.

I'm going to class that as intervals + 30 min cardio.

I really enjoy the high intensity intervals, it really suits me. I like too run fast and I hate endurance training. So with the intervals I get the improved speed and lung capacity I want with out being stuck to a treadmill for 2 hours.  Plus working with such a high pulse really gives my metabolism a kick.

The food:

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Main meal split into 4 meals (480 kcal) + 30g protein =
140g tinned tuna (162 kcal) + 20g protein
100g full corn bulgur (cooked) (133 kcal) + 4g protein
100g green peas (78 kcal) 6g protein
30g Sweetcorn (24 kcal)
140g carrot (57 kcal)
6g onoin (2 kcal)
2 tomatoes (24kcal)

Evening meal (368 kcal) + 38
150g chicken breast (165 kcal)+ 30g protein
5g garlic (8 kcal)
335g cauliflower (87 kcal) 6g proetin
28g asparagus (6 kcal)
124g green beans (32 kcal) 2g protein
8g raps oil (70 kcal)

Late night snack (200 kcal) 11,5g protein
300g A38 (120 kcal) 10,5g protein
1 banana (80 kcal) 1 g protein

All together 1728 kcal with 158,5g protein

I'll be back at football tomorrow which is good as I need all the cardio I can get next week.

Have a nice evening. 

lørdag den 14. maj 2011

Day 27. Saturday. Rest day

As you can see I got the entry from Thursday back and blogger have put Wednesday back (uncompleted) today. so there is a little continuity discrepancy there. Well at least I got them back.

Today Is my rest day. I've been working all day so I don't know how much resting there has been but I didn't train.

Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Main meal split up into 5 meals, eaten throughout the day (648 kcal) + 40g protein =
140g tinned tuna (162 kcal) + 20g protein
50g Chic peas (182 kcal) + 10g protein
100g full corn bulgur (cooked) (133 kcal) + 4g protein
100g green peas (78 kcal) 6g protein
20g Sweetcorn (16 kcal)
92g carrot (37 kcal)
14g onoin (5 kcal)
118g red pepper (35 kcal)

evening meal (324 kcal) + 36g protein =
Broccoli (32 kcal)
Carrots (24 kcal)
Potatoes (66 kcal)
180g chicken breast (202 kcal) + 36g protein

Late night snack  (140 kcal) + 5g protein =
150g A38 (60 kcal) 5 g protein
1 banana (80 kcal)

All in all 1792 kcal with a 160g protein.

Have a nice evening and I'll be back tomorrow with some crazy intervals. See you then. 

Dy 24. Wednesday. Leon discovers an important fact.

I discovered late last night that I have been using a 3g spoon not a 10g spoon for the creatine. Bollocks! Looking on the bright side this means that I've eaten about 20 kcal less then I thought I had for the last 3 days....... but I also missed out on 3 days muscle growth. Again bollocks.

Today I trained weights again and then ............................

The food:

25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Protein Fabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

During / after training 40g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 37g protein

Days main meal split in about 4-5 meals (758 kcal) + 69g protein
100g Chic peas (365 kcal) + 20g protein
220g chicken breast (242 kcal) + 44g protein
143g carrots (58 kcal)
86g tomato (15 kcal)
70g green peas (54 kcal) + 5g protein
30g sweet corn (24 kcal)

Late night snack
300g A38 (120 kcal) + 10g protein

1558 kcal + 157g protein

fredag den 13. maj 2011

Day 26. Friday the 13th. Its weigh day. #4

Blogger has been down all day today and they seam to have lost my Wednesday and Thursday entries. I'll get in touch with them and try to get them back asap. 

Hi everybody. It’s weigh day…… Can’t “weight” to see how it’s going. (sorry for that!!).

Today was a good training day.

I did the new weights program with my personal trainer Patrick Boiken it went well.

I’m squatting 160 kilos now. That’s more than double my body weight. Quite an improvement.
The program felt really good today, hard but good.
After the weights I did 10 min on the row machine, 10 min on the bike, 10 min on the stepper and then I ran home which took about 30 min so 60 min cardio all together.

And this is where I go crazy!!

I’ve seen to it that I’ve eaten my 6 meals, I’ve got enough protein and I’ve eaten 1522 kcal. So today I’m going to have an ice cream. It might mean that I’m super hungry when I go to bed but Fuck it. I need a treat and guess what?? I’m still under my 1800 kcal. Oh yeah.

The food: Note the complete lack of carbs, fruit or vegetables to make room for 1 magnum! Is it worth it?

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Lunch (332 kcal) =133g of pork frikadella on 1 piece of rye bread + 27g pro
Main meal split into 3 (500 kcal) =250g pork frikadella + 50g protein

Magnum ice cream (party party) 260 kcal + 3,5g protein

1782 kcal + 159,5g protein.

The results……

Ok everybody, here’s the weeks pic. Starting to get some definition,  I’m nearly there. I think the creatine has given me the boost I was looking for in strength but also in muscle tone.

On the 15th of April I weighed 82 kilos there of 21.8% fat which is 17.9 kilos.
After 1 week 80.7 kilos, 20.3% fat which is 16.4 kilos.
After 2 weeks 80 kilos, 18.4% fat which is 14.7 kilos of fat.
After 3 weeks 79.9 kilos, 17.8% fat which is 14.2 kilos of fat. 

After 4 weeks I weighed in at 78.1 kilos, 17% fat which is 13.3 kilos of fat
It looks like I have lost 600g of muscle this week, which is strange. We will have to wait until the end of the 6 weeks to see if we think there was a mistake in the initial muscle mass gain but let’s not analyse too much now, we'll do that at the end. 

This week I have lost another 900g of fat. That puts me on a total fat loss of 4.6 kilos in 4 weeks god dam it!!!!
I’m 1.4 kilos off my goal. The goal is very much in sight and I’m feeling confident. 

I'm off to enjoy my ice cream. As I have to work tomorrow I'll take a rest day. I'll let you know what I end up eating. Have a great weekend. 

onsdag den 11. maj 2011

Day 25. Thursday. Leon burns out.

Hej everybody.

I'd like to thank everybody for their support so far. Tomorrow it has been 4 weeks and it is crazy how much people ask me about the project. There has been over 750 visits to the blog and everybody is so possitive. Thanks for that. Thanks of course to proteinfabrikken for their support It all makes it so much easier for me to keep it up.

Yeah I hit a wall today. After training until 8.30 pm last night I went home, slept and started training again at 8.30 am this morning. Not so smart.

I attempted the 4x4 Intervals but couldn't keep up. After 2 sets I decided to drop it and go for a run. I ran for 30 min to SATS Parken, when I got there I sat my self on a bike and cycled for 30 min. After that I attempted to run back to SATS Nørrebro. Nope. No way. I ended up walking all the way.

The days food:

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

During / after training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 37g protein

1st meal 1 piece of rye bread and 125g makerel in chilli sauce (242 kcal) + 14g pr

2nd meal 1 piece of rye bread and 100g fish eggs (156 kcal)  +12,5g protein

3rd meal 1 piece of rye bread and 100g fish eggs (156 kcal)  +12,5g protein
Main meal (300 kcal) + 16g protein =
50g chickpeas (182 kcal) + 10 g protein
1 boiled egg (84 kcal) + 6 g protein
1 carrot (18 kcal)
45g red pepper (16 kcal)

Bit low on protein today. Topped up on 25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein.

300g of the beloved A38 yoghurt (120 kcal) + 10 protein

Total 1747 + 167g protein all good.

Tomorrow is weigh in day and i'm nervous. I'm starting to look cut, you'll be able to see on the pics but I don't know if I've dropped that much fat. We'll have to wait and see. Have a great night.

tirsdag den 10. maj 2011

Day 23. Tuesday. Unintentionally low calorie day.

Hi everybody.

I tried the next of Patricks new interval programs on the tread mill today. Now we alternate between the one I did on Saturday, which is 30 seconds on at max speed and 30 seconds break 15 times. The one today is called the 4 X 4. Run 4 min as fast as you can then take 2 min "rest" on 8 km/h repeat 4 times. Total of 24 min on the tread mill.
After that I did 30 min on the x-trainer with my pulse over 75% and then 15 min on the cardio bike. I had to sit down after that.

Today I did the food a bit differently. I took 2 pieces of rye bread and about 6 small chicken fillets with me to work. Instead of having them as a meal or two meals I ate them one by one as I got hungry through out the day. That with my big protein shake lasted me from 9am till about 6pm. This inadvertently put me well under with my total calories for the day, but still plenty of protein. Bonus!

The food:

25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Protein Fabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

2 pieces of rye bread (157 kcal) + 2g protein

6 small chicken fillets or about 225g (245 kcal) + 45g protein

During / after training 40g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 37g protein

Main evening meal, wok dish (346 kcal) + 33g protein=
96g carrots (30 kcal)
47g broccoli (16 kcal)
50g asparagus (11 kcal)
7g red chilli pepper (2 kcal)
66g courgette (13 kcal)
48g red pepper (14 kcal)
37g onoin (14 kcal)
165g chicken (181 kcal) 33g protein
bit of curry powder (15 kcal)
table spoon of oil (50 kcal)

Later on I'm going to have a nice 183 kcal snack with 8g protein in it.
200g A38 (80 kcal) + 7g proetin
1 banana (80 kcal) 1g protein
45g blue berries (23 kcal)

Days total 1611 kcal! That's 10% under the goal but still 166g protein. Wow. I bet I'll be hungry tonight.

mandag den 9. maj 2011

Day 22. Monday. Ankle still not 100%

It's Monday today and I had a good training day.

I hit the new training program on my own for the first time

Incline dumbbell press
Hamstring resistance exercise (I lie on my stomach with my ankles under a normal bench bar with 100kilos on it. I start with my legs bent and slowly lean forward until I can't hold anymore )
Corner twists
Ring rotations
Walking lunges
Wide grip chin ups in the olympic rings.
Side lifts on the bench.

That went well. After that I did 65 min spinning on my own. Really high intensity pulse on minimum 75% vo2 max.
I was also supposed to play football tonight but my ankle is still not 100% so I can either drop it or risk being super injured. Tough call but I'll drop it. 

The food:

25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Protein Fabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training 25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

1st meal (268 kcal) 1 piece of rye bread and 125g mackerel in tomato sauce + 19g pr
Main meal split in 3 (613 kcal) + 46g protein
100g Quinoa (350 kcal) + 14g pr
100g cooked ham (109 kcal) + 20g pr
1 boiled egg (84 kcal) + 6g pr
100g green peas (70 kcal) 6 g pr
25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein
200g yoghurt natural (70 kcal) + 7g pr
100g pineapple (50 kcal)
1 banana (8o kcal) + 1 g pr

Total for the day 1789 kcal 162g protein.

Tomorrow I've got some more new intervals for you. Have a good night.

søndag den 8. maj 2011

Day 21. Rest day oh yeah.

Nice nice rest day.
The sun is shining and the birds are singing.

Spent the day lying on the grass in the park. Tonight I went to see Queens of the stone age and didn't drink any beer. Not that tough, the pizza smelt good on the way home!!

The food today.

25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 23g protein

10g Protein Fabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

1st meal (231 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 1 chicken breast. 31g protein.

2nd meal (231 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 1 chicken breast. 31g protein.

Snack (50 kcal) 1 small apple.

Main meal (458 kcal) + 50g protein
1/2 red pepper (25 kcal)
1/2 a head of iceberg lettuce (28 kcal)
65g of green peas (50 kcal) + 4g protein
2 carrots (41 kcal)
8g olive oil (70 kcal)
140g tuna (162 kcal) + 40 g protein
1 boiled egg (82 kcal) + 6g protein

Snack (88 kcal) = big piece of pineapple

Late night snack pizza substitute 200g A38 (80 kcal) + 9g protein
140g banana (124 kcal) + 1 g protein

1794 kcal with 162g protein Pretty much perfect.

lørdag den 7. maj 2011

Day 20. Saturday. New intervals

Hi again.

We've introduced some new intervals today to try and keep my metabolism as high as possible.

I'm starting doing 30-30 intervals on the tread mill. 30 seconds sprint as fast as possible and 30 seconds off. Repeat 15 times. I started on 21 km/h and increased the speed to 23 km/t but i felt like I could a little more so next time I'm going to start on 24 km/h see what happens.

Before the intervals I ran to the gym which took about 25 min and after I ran the long way home, about 35 min so 1 hour cardio in total.
I felt the run a lot in my knee today. I need to be careful. 

The food:

It's been tough to keep track today, I've been to a birthday dinner. I stayed away from carbs, cake, sugar and alcohol. The quantities are educated guesses for the most part.

25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 23g protein

10g Protein Fabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training 25g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder with 150g skimmed milk (144 kcal) about 28g protein

Lunch (240 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread 3 fish balls. 13g protein

Party food: This is the guess work.
140g tuna (178 kcal) 40g protein
120g beef (222 kcal) 30g protein
1 boiled egg (84 kcal) 7g protein
100g crab in creme freiche dressing (150 kcal) 20g protein
Few strawberries (16 kcal)
Few grapes (20 kcal)

Late meal
1 banana (80 kcal) 1g protein
1 apple (52 kcal)
100g A38 (40 kcal) 3,5g Protein

Total about 1758 kcal and 182,5g protein

Tomorrow I have a well earned rest day so I'll be taking it easy.

Have a great day tomorrow.

fredag den 6. maj 2011

Day 19. Weigh in #3, Protein fabrikken and a new weights program.

It's Friday and I'm half way.

I got some good stuff for you today. Of course the results of the weigh in and the weekly picture. But first.......

As I mentioned previously. I spoke to the nice people at Protein Fabrikken if you want to check it out. They thought my 6 week 6 pack plan was a cool project and wanted to help me reach my goals. After talking to their experts they came good and sent me.....

Whey Isolate protein powder. It's really high quality protein powder that is practically carb free, has really low lactose content and tastes quite nice.

Creatine. This is my secret weapon. Creatine enhances muscle growth by (very basically) binding water in the muscle cells. It's going to give me more definition and more power. This is a 6 pack challenge so I do need to make my muscles bigger. The Danish recommended doses is 3g per day. So that is what I have to recommend, but I am going to take 10g per day for 2 weeks then 5g per day for the last week which is pretty much what they recommend in the rest of the world. Don't taste so great! There is a risk that this might slow my weight loss so we need to keep a close eye on my progress. If I feel that it effects my weight loss I'll drop it after a week.

The PF experts also sent me some daily vitamin tablets and some daily mineral tablets to make sure I get all the good stuff I need. Isn't that nice of them? 2 mineral tabs and 1 vitamin tab per day.

That is what I've got in my corner, let's see what happened today.

It's new program day with Patrick Boiken my personal trainer. We're still going to train the full body 3 times a week but we're going to change up the program to keep provoking growth and strength. 

The new program is......

Squats (same as before)
Incline dumbell press
Hamstring resistance exercise (I lie on my stomach, bend my legs up as Patrick sits on my back and pushes my legs towards the ground. I have to hold against.)
Corner twists (same as before)
Ring rotations aka skin the cat. Hang in the olympic rings  lift legs all the way over your head and then controlled back to starting position) This is an ab killer.
Walking lunges
Wide grip chin ups in the olympic rings.
Side lifts on the bench. To target the obliques.

We have planned from the start to increase the focusing on the abs during the next 3 weeks.

After all that I used the step machine for 25 min, rowed on the row machine high intensity for 6 min and then 30 min cycling.  1 hour and 1 min of cardio. 

The food:

30g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (111 kcal) about 28g protein

10g Protein Fabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training 30g Protein Fabrikken whey Isolate powder (111 kcal) about 28g protein

Meal split into 2 (590 kcal) gives me  60g protein= 
100g Chic peas (365 kcal) + 20g protein
100g cucumber (12 kcal)
1 carrot (31 kcal)
1 small spring onion (5 kcal)
1 tomato (15 kcal)
140g tinned tuna (162 kcal) + 40g protein

Snack (65 kcal) = 1 apple

Meal (351 kcal) + 40g protein = 
1 chicken breast (160 kcal) 30g protein
87g carrot (35 kcal)
116g Broccoli (40 kcal) 3g protein
90 g Green peas (70 kcal) 5g protein
170 g courgette (34 kcal) 2g protein
30g onion (12 kcal)

Late night snack, as always, (80 kcal) + 8g protein
200g A38 (80 kcal) + 8 g protein 

Todays total: 1747 kcal 181g protein.  

To the results. 

On the 15th of April I weighed 82 kilos there of 21.8% fat which is 17.9 kilos.
After 1 week 80.7 kilos, 20.3% fat which is 16.4 kilos.
After 2 weeks 80 kilos, 18.4% fat which is 14.7 kilos of fat.
After 3 weeks 79.9 kilos, 17.8% fat which is 14.2 kilos of fat. So I've lost another 0.5 kilos of fat this week!! 200g of muscle growth and and holding a little extra water then last week.

This puts me on a total fat loss of 3.7 kilos in 3 weeks !!
The pictures aren't great but the difference is really starting to show. 

I'm happy because I'm ahead of schedule, but I need to make sure this isn't the start of the slow down. If I loose 0.5 kilos a week for the next 3 weeks I'll end on 5.2 kilos and that isn't good enough. 

Let's hope the new weights program gives me a boost, the creatine gives me extra power to train harder and my ankle gets better so I can run a bit more. 

Have a great weekend every body. Check the blog again tomorrow.   

torsdag den 5. maj 2011

Day 18. Mind over matter.

Last night I made a consious decision to not feel shite anymore. And that is exactly what I'm going to do.

Today I've done nearly 2 hours of cardio and had a massage so I'm feeling pretty good rite now.

I started the day with my 3-2-1 intervals, same as ususal. I strapped my ankel up and it didn't bother me too much (until I was finished with the run).
Then I ran 20 min form SATS Nørrebro to SATS Parken. At Sats Parken I did 30 min on the x-trainer then I ran back doing a couple of laps around the park, that took about 35 min. My pulse was over 75% all the way. Pretty effective.

After that I had a massage with Mette from Urban Health that was great. She fixed my ankle and squeezed a whole load of nasty stuff out of my calfs. Feeling fine. Apparently My lowerback is too tense, that effects my squat technique, but let's not get into that rite now.

Now I'm ready for the weigh in tomorrow. I feel like I didn't give my all at the start of the week so I'm a little bit nervous that that might effect the results. fingers crossed.

Todays Food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

Main meal split up and eaten during the day. (547 kcal) gives me 45g protein= 
100g Full corn Bulgur (300 kcal) + 15g protein
1 carrot (50 kcal)
1 small spring onion (5 kcal)
1/2 green pepper (23 kcal)
150g chicken breast (169 kcal) 30g protein

Meal (177 kcal) = 2 fish balls + 1 large piece of rye bread. 10g protein

Meal (146 kcal)  2 pieces of rye bread 2g protein Note: I'm eating the bread earlyer in the day time now. I want to get as much of the carbs as possible in as early as possible. I need the energy during the day but not at the night.
Meal (169 kcal) 150g chicken breast 30g protein

Evening snack (160 kcal) 8g protein
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
90g banana (80 kcal) 1g protein

Total: 1779 kcal 157g protein.

Weigh in and photos for you tomorrow. Plus I'm going to start with the good stuff Protein Fabrikken sent me. But more about that tomorrow.

Be good.

onsdag den 4. maj 2011

Day 17. Wednesday. 10 hours sleep makes a difference.

Hi again everybody.

Do not under estimate the power of a good nights sleep!!

I'm feeling better today, although my ankle is still hurting.
I still think the diet is hard and I'm constantly thinking about all the food I can't eat, but today is better than yesterday. Not so moody, not so tired. That might have something to do with the 10 hours sleep I got last night. God dam it I needed that.

I trained weights again today.
I could feel the squats in my ankle a lot but I think I should be able to do intervals tomorrow.
My cardio was 1 hour cycling.

Todays Food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

Main meal split into 3 meals eaten during the day. This worked really well for me. I just had bits all day, every time I felt hungry just took another bite. Psychological effect was huge. (579 kcal) gives me  60g protein= 
100g Chic peas (365 kcal) + 20g protein
1 carrot (29 kcal)
1 small spring onion (5 kcal)
1 tomatoe (18 kcal)
140g tinned tuna (162 kcal) + 40g protein

Meal (313 kcal) = 125 g mackerel + 1 large piece of rye bread. 19g protein

Snack (65 kcal) 1 apple.

Late meal (209 kcal) = 1 chicken breast  + 1 small piece of rye bread. That gives me 31g protein
Total: 1746 kcal 172g protein.  

All is good. I feel like I've been behind in the cardio this week. After my intervals tomorrow I'm going to see if I can do 90 min cardio.

See you tomorrow.

tirsdag den 3. maj 2011

Day 16. Tuesday. football is bad for you.

Hello again.

The plan today was 1 hours cardio and the 3-2-1 intervals again.

Same as last Tuesday, after playing football Monday night I started the day injured. This time it's my ankle that got hammered. A poorly timed tackle by our buddy Martin and I have to rethink my training for the day, hopefully not for the week!!


I ran for 30 min, cycled for 45 min and then ran for 20 min. A total of 95 min cardio instead of intervals. I do need to get the pulse up higher then I did today but it should be ok for once.

I'm starting to find this hard now. The first two weeks I ran on my fat deposits and all was good. Now it feels like that is starting to slow down, I can really feel the low carb diet draining my energy. I'm tired again today, but not as moody as I was yesterday. I'm going to bed at 8pm to see if I can freshen up for tomorrow. I'm cooking up some chick peas for tomorrow so tomorrow is going to be a good day. 

Todays Food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

1st meal (209 kcal) = 1 chicken breast  + 1 small piece of rye bread. That gives me 31g protein

2nd meal (132 kcal) = 1 egg + 1 small piece of rye bread. 8g protein

3rd meal (313 kcal) = 125 g mackerel + 2 pieces of rye bread. 19g protein

Snack (146 kal) = All in 1 biscuit. 5 g protein (waist of calories, I just needed something and this was all I could find. Although there is an ok amount of protein in there, this was a bad idea I could have used those calories better.)

Main meal (338 kcal) gives me  42g protein=
254g green beans (107 kcal) + 9g protein
254g cauliflower (66 kcal) + 3 g protein
150g Chicken breast (165 kcal) + 30g protein

Late night snack (80 kcal) + 7 g protein=
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein

Total: 1798 kcal (just under the golden 1800) 174g protein.  

Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I talked to Protein Fabrikken last night and they want to sponsor my project. Lets see what they have to offer. Check out there web site it's a cool concept.
Sleep tight.

mandag den 2. maj 2011

Day 15. Tired and hungry.....

Hi everybody.

Today has been a hard day. So far I have had no problems with moods and cravings, today it feels like I got my food wrong some how. I'm hungry, want sweet stuff and feeling really moody and tired. Hope I can get a good nights sleep.


Weights, Usual program, felt good.
30 min step machine
15 min x-trainer
1 hour football.

The Food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.
1st meal (135 kcal) = 1/2 a chicken breast  + 1 small piece of rye bread. That gives me 16g protein

2nd meal (135 kcal) = 1/2 a chicken breast  + 1 small piece of rye bread. That gives me 16g protein

Main meal split in to 3 meals (577 kcal) gives me 54 g protein=
100 g quinoa (350 kcal) + 14g protein
140 g tuna (163 kcal) + 40 g protein
150 g tomato (14 kcal)
1 carrot (50 kcal)
Snack 1 apple (65 kcal)

Snack Low carb shake. (135 kcal) + 25g protein

Late night snack (160 kcal) + 8 g protein=
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
90g banana (80 kcal) 1g protein
Total: 1787 kcal 181 g protein. 

Maybe I got too much protein and cheated myself for carbs a little there.

søndag den 1. maj 2011

Day 14. Sunday. Rest day.

Not much to tell you about today.

Rest day. Took it easy, slept in, was pretty happy I didn't have to train. Looking forward to weights first thing in the morning.


Breakfast: Morning protein shake 30g protein powder mixed in with my usual 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk (520 kcal) and 47g protein.

Snack: 1 apple (65 kcal)

Snack: 1 egg (62 kcal) - 6g protein

1 big salad split into 3 meals  (423 kcal)  36 g protein
75g full corn bulgur (225 kcal) + 11 g protein
4 cherry tomatoes (11 kcal)
1 carrot (28 kcal)
cucumber (5 kcal)
120g chicken breast (132 kcal) + 25g protein
red pepper (22 kcal) 

Main meal (402 kcal) 37g protein
170g Lean steak (315 kcal) + 37g protein
Half a cauliflower (64 kcal)
108g asparagus (23kcal) 

30g Protein shake. (120 kcal) + 30g protein 

Evening snack (212 kcal) 8g protein
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
90g banana (80 kcal) 1g protein
100g apple (52 kcal)

Days total 1794 kcal and 164g protein

lørdag den 30. april 2011

Day 13. Saturday

Did 3-2-1 intervals today. Getting easier and easier. I'm going to put the pace up next time.
I am a little worried about shin splints though, it often comes when I raise the intensity too quick and that would give me problems. I really need to keep the intensity up and get my pulse peaking as close to 100% as possible. That's what kicks my metabolism into top gear. The other option is doing the intervals on the bike. We'll have to wait and see.  

The food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

1st meal (267 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 2 fried eggs. 17g protein

2nd meal (274 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 125g mackerel in tomato sauce. 19g protein

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

3rd meal (354 kcal) = 2 piece of rye bread and 150g roast beef. 33g protein
Snack 1 apple (65 kcal)

Snack some strawberry (48 kcal)

Late night snack (1600 kcal).
200g A38 yoghurt. (80 kcal) 9g protein
91g banana (80 kcal)

1748 kcal 140 g protein.

Little low on the protein today but that's ok for one day. I need to keep an eye on that tomorrow.

Tomorrow is my rest day and I'm really looking forward to sleeping in.

Have a nice evening.

fredag den 29. april 2011

Day 12. Weigh in day # 2

It's Friday.

Friday is good for many reasons; end of the week, start of the weekend and Friday is weigh in day. The highlight of my week. The motivational factor.

Lets take a quick look at the status.

On the 15th of April I weighed 82 kilos there of 21.8% fat which is 17.9 kilos.
After 1 week sticking to the plan I weighed 80.7 kilos, 20.3% fat which is 16.4 kilos.
After 2 weeks..... First lets see what happened today.


Usual weights program with Patrick. This will be the last week of this weight program, on Friday we're going to change it up before I hit the plateau.
Here we are doing lying rows at SATS Nørrebro.
After that I did 1 hour of cardio on the spinning bike.

The food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

1st meal (170 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 70g chicken breast. 17g protein

2nd meal (170 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 70g chicken breast. 17g protein

3rd meal (170 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 70g chicken breast. 17g protein

Snack 1 Carrot (26 kcal)

Main meal ( 383 kcal) + 30g protein =
200g Fried fish balls (260 kcal) + 20g pr
206g Asparagus (45 kcal) + 4g pr
221g Broccoli (77 kcal) + 6g pr

Late night snack (282 kcal).
200g A38 yoghurt. (80 kcal) 9g protein
113g apple (58 kcal)
91g banana (80 kcal)
9g almonds (51 kcal)

1781 kcal 152 g protein

Enough waiting. The result are:

After 2 weeks I weigh 80 kilos there of 18.4% fat. That is 14.7 kilos of fat. I have lost another 1.7 kilos of pure fat.

That gives a grand total of 3.2 kilos of fat loss in 14 days!!
I know you are looking at the start weight and thinking "3.2 kilos of loss??? That doesn't make sense." 82 - 80k is only 2 kilos. The explanation is due to the heavy weights program and the high protein intake I have gained 1.2 kilos of muscle mass. I'm in shock. I looked at the results for about 20 min today. I couldn't believe it. 

Here's the picture.

We're starting to get some definition here.

Here is the proof...

You can see the dates at the top. I have highlighted the fat mass and the muscle mass.

It shows that when you diet and train you need to look at more than just the scales. The total weight can be miss leading.

I'm incredibly happy with the progress. It looks like the weight loss will not be a problem. Now we need to focus on marking the abs and that means more hard work.

See you tomorrow.

torsdag den 28. april 2011

Day 11. Thursday. Will my knees hold out?


It's Thursday and now I'm starting to feel the pain this week.
Remember I took my rest day on Saturday so now we're on 5 days of hard training in a row. My knees are really starting to feel the pressure.
I played a lot of football from childhood to my early 20s, since then I have done a lot of running so my knees have taken a beating. Tomorrow I have heavy weight training with my personal trainer Patrick Boiken so that's going to be a hard day too. Injury is not an option.

Today's training:

3-2-1 intervals 16 km/h - 17 km/h - 20 km/h only 1 min break between sets.
30 min steady pace on the X-trainer.

The Food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

1st meal (182 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 90g chicken breast. 19g protein

2nd meal (182 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 90g chicken breast. 19g protein

Main meal split into 2 (600 kcal) which gives me 66g protein=
100g full corn bulgur. (300 kcal) + 17g protein
1 carrot (25 kcal)
3 tomatoes (13 kcal)
51g 1 egg (61 kcal) 6g protein
140 g tuna (162 kcal) 40g protein
50g Green peas (39kcal) 3g protein

Snack (49 kcal) = 1 apple

To round off the day (160 kcal).
200g A38 yoghurt. (80 kcal) 9g protein
91g banana (80 kcal)

Total kcal for the day 1753 with 175g protein. Weigh in tomorrow. Can I hit 1.5 kilo again?

onsdag den 27. april 2011

Day 10. Wednesday. feeling fine.

Hello again.

Wednesday was a good training day. I managed to catch up a bit for yesterdays laziness and my calf feels fine.

I did the usual weights program;

Heavy weight training (all 3 sets of 6 reps with max weight):

Seated dumbbell military press
Leg extension
Lying leg curl
Dumbbell row
Dumbbell press
Ring roll outs
Standing joystick twists

I'm starting to put some extra ab exercises on top to start working on the definition of the 6 pack.  Today I did 3 x 10 swiss ball crunches. I could feel that.

After the weights I did 30 min on the rotex machine at a steady tempo followed by 30 min on the x-trainer.!
Worked for 10 hours and was still feeling fresh, it must be the sun I could not do this in the winter! Then I did 30 min on the sofa cycle. Long day. But got 90 min cardio in.

The food for the day:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

1st meal (182 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 90g chicken breast. 19g protein

2nd meal (182 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 90g chicken breast. 19g protein

Main meal split into 2 (579 kcal) which gives me 60g protein=
100g chick peas. (365 kcal) + 20g protein
2 carrots (37 kcal)
2 tomatoes (13 kcal)
1 spring onion (2 kcal)
140 g tuna (162 kcal) 40g protein

To round off the day (282 kcal).
200g A38 yoghurt. (80 kcal) 9g protein
113g apple (58 kcal)
91g banana (80 kcal)
9g almonds (51 kcal)

Total kcal for the day 1796 with 169g protein.

tirsdag den 26. april 2011

Day 9. Tuesday.

Hi again.

Got a bit of a shock last night. I thought I'd pulled a muscle in my left calf playing football. It feels really tight today so I didn't want to push it too much.
So it was a pretty slow day. I had to go to SATS Amager today which took about half an hour one way. When I got there I did 30 min on the x-trainer medium pace. I need to hit it a bit harder tomorrow.


Breakfast (460 kcal) = 100g porridge oats, 100g skimmed milk and 15 g protein powder. 32g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. 30g protein.

1st meal (280 Kcal) = 180g chicken breast+ 1 piece of rye bread. + 40g protein

3rd meal (250 kcal) = 140g mackrel in tomato sauce + 1 piece of rye bread. That gives me 13 g protein

Snack (65 kcal) = 1 apple

Snack (40 kcal) = 1/2 a pear

Main meal (434 kcal) which gives me 54g protein
50g chick peas. (182 kcal) + 10g protein
1 egg (90 kcal) + 9g protein
140g tuna (162 kcal) + 35g protein

Late snack (80 kcal). 200g A38 yoghurt. 9g protein

1729 kcal 178g protein (wow that's a lot of protein!!)

mandag den 25. april 2011

Day 8. the 3 Ts.

The key to my success so far has been the 3 T's

The 3 T's are;
Especially green Tea. It balances the blood sugar and dampens hunger. So you don't crave as much of the sweet stuff.  
Tiger balm.
Seriously. When you train almost every day a little bit of tiger balm goes a long way to killing aches and pains in the muscles.
T....chewing hum.
Ok so it doesn't start with T but it almost does. Chewing gum has helped me take my mind off food and it also kicks your digestion into gear. Could not live without it.

Today has been a good day. Went to the family Easter lunch and didn't struggle too much with the food. Had to say no to some good looking cake but other than that it was ok.
I'll start with the food:

breakfast (360 kcal) = 100g oats, 100g skimmed milk and 15g proetin powder. 32g protein

After training (120 kcal)= 30g protein powder. 30g protein

Snack (85 kcal)= a pear

Hear comes the Easter lunch i calculated every thing but I forgot the weights so i'll just note the calories(591 kcal) + 52g pr. =
Rye bread (240 kcal) + 6g pr
Smoked salmon (138 Kcal) + 30g pr.
Boiled egg (112 kcal) + 10 g pr.
Pork tenderloin (41 kcal) 2g pr.
herring in sauce (60 kcal) 4g pr.

Snack (31 Kcal) = a small apple

Evening meal (291 kcal) +38g pr=
142 g lettuce (24kcal)
74 g carrots (30 kcal)
72g tomatoes (12 kcal)
20g black olives (22 kcal)
185g chicken breast (203 kcal) + 38g pr.

After Football (220 kcal) = 300g A38 yoghurt and a banana + 12g pr.

All in all. 1698 kcal + 164g pr.


Weights normal program. With out Patrick The weights are on average 8 kilos lighter. Tip!!! if you want to get in shape. Get a personal trainer!!!
1 hour running
1 hour football.

Have a great night.

søndag den 24. april 2011

Day 7. Fresh Leon nails the 3-2-1 intervals

Hello again.

A happy easter sunday to you all.

Today was great. After the rest day yesterday I was in top shape. My legs were fresh and I was feeling good.

On the program today was 1 hours cardio and 3-2-1 intervals.
Instead of doing all the cardio in 1 block I ran 5 k from my flat to SATS nørrebro. There I nailed the 3-2-1 intervals. Because I was feeling so feisty I only took 1 min break in-between sets (normally 2 min) and ended on 20km/h for the last 1 min (normally 18km/h). I haven't run that fast for a long while. Then to finish off I ran the 5 k home. All in all a good session. Thank you rest day.  

The food:

15g protein mania to start the day (60 kcal) = 15g pr. 

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g pr.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g pr.

1st meal. ( 336 kcal) =
2 boiled eggs (196 kcal) 18g pr.
70g rye bread (140(kcal) 2g pr.

Snack (81 kcal)= a pear.

2nd meal. (214 kcal)=
2 fish balls (130 kcal) 13g pr.
35g rye bread (72 kcal) 1g pr. 
2 tomatoes (12 kcal)

Snack (81 kcal)= a pear.

Evening meal (269 kcal)=
170g chicken breast (187 kcal) 36g protein
220g broccoli (77 kcal) 6g protein
4 pieces of asparagus (5 kcal)

Snack (81 kcal)= a pear.

Little low on protein today so I'm going to close the day with a protein shake
30g protein powder (120 kcal) 30g pr.

Todays total is 1762 kcal with 168g protein

Tomorrow I'm going to a family Easter lunch thing so food is going to be tough.  My goal is just to stay under the 1800 and get as much protein as I can, might end up being 1 big meal of eggs and bread but lets wait and see.

lørdag den 23. april 2011

Day 6. Saturday is a day of rest.

Nice with a rest.
Stayed in bed till about 9.30. Have done my best to do as little as possible all day. 
Felt like having steak for dinner so I checked out the calories and fit in the meal plan.
It just shows that you can eat what you want while dieting you just need to make it fit in.

Protein drink (60 kcal) + 15g pr
Breakfast (400 kcal) + 17g pr
1st meal (300 kcal) 2 eggs on 2 pieces of rye bread. 24g protein
snack (60 kcal) a pear
Afternoon snack (120 kcal) 30g protein powder mixed with water. 30g protein
snack (60 kcal) a pear

Main meal (452 kcal) 44g pr
200g green beans (52 kcal) + 4 g pr.
200g steak. (400 kcal) + 40 g pr.

evening snack (266 kcal) 15g protein.
300g A38 yoghurt (120 kcal) 12g pr
100g banana (90 kcal) 1g pr
10g almands (56 kcal) 2g pr

All together 1718 kcal + 145g protein. Little under the allocated 1800 but that's ok on a rest day.

fredag den 22. april 2011

Day 5. Weigh in day. End of the first week.

So it's Friday.

I know I started the blog on Monday and I know a week is 7 days but today is the end of the first week. The first weigh in was Friday the 15th and we have weigh ins every Friday. I started the training program on Monday the 18th but the start weight and fat % is from the 15th.

I've been looking forward to today. I need the first week to be good. I'm expecting my weight loss to slow as my metabolism alters to accommodate for the low calorie intake (I have a plan for when that happens) so i need to loose most of the weight in the first couple of weeks. I've stuck to the plan and trained hard for the last 5 days and not cheated on my diet. It has to have paid off.

A quick recap on the last weigh in.

On the 15th I weighed 82 kilos, had 21.8% fat which is 17.9 kilos.

And today after 1 week sticking to the plan I weigh 80.7 kilos, have 20.3% fat which is 16.4 kilos.

In 1 week I've lost 1.5 kilos of pure fat. 0 muscle loss. I'm very happy with that.

Here's the pic.


Training today with Patrick was excellent. I'm not only loosing fat but I'm getting stronger. We increased the weight significantly on must exercises.  
Same resistance program as day 1. 
Super set the squats with the military press, the leg extensions with the leg curls, the dumbbell press with the dumbbell row and the ring roll outs with the joy stick twists. but we added some hyper-extensions to strengthen my lower back. 

We tried to follow the weights with the 3-2-1 intervals again but it was no good. I didn't have the legs for it after yesterdays session. so I did 30 min on the cross trainer which is fine.

The food. 

I mixed it up a bit today.

As soon as I woke up I had a protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein
That took the edge of my morning hunger. I waited an hour or so before training then had my usual breakfast so not to go cold to quick. It worked.
Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

Snack (88 kcal) = 1 egg. 10 g protein

Main meal split into 2 (676 kcal) which gives me 62g protein
100g chick peas. (365 kcal) + 20g protein
180g chicken breast. (180 kcal) + 38g protein
50g green peas. (35 kcal) + 3g protein
50g sweet corn. (48 kcal) + 1 g protein (lots of calories in sweet corn)
50g carrot. (18 kcal)
30g pepper. (30 kcal)

3rd meal (250 kcal) = 140g mackrel in tomato sauce + 1 piece of rye bread. That gives me 13 g protein

To round off the day 140 (kcal). My all time favourite 300g A38 yoghurt. 12g protein

All in all for the day 1735 (kcal) and 159g protein. 

Tomorrow I will take a rest day so my legs have a chance to be fresh again. They deserve it.

It's been a good day today.