fredag den 13. maj 2011

Day 26. Friday the 13th. Its weigh day. #4

Blogger has been down all day today and they seam to have lost my Wednesday and Thursday entries. I'll get in touch with them and try to get them back asap. 

Hi everybody. It’s weigh day…… Can’t “weight” to see how it’s going. (sorry for that!!).

Today was a good training day.

I did the new weights program with my personal trainer Patrick Boiken it went well.

I’m squatting 160 kilos now. That’s more than double my body weight. Quite an improvement.
The program felt really good today, hard but good.
After the weights I did 10 min on the row machine, 10 min on the bike, 10 min on the stepper and then I ran home which took about 30 min so 60 min cardio all together.

And this is where I go crazy!!

I’ve seen to it that I’ve eaten my 6 meals, I’ve got enough protein and I’ve eaten 1522 kcal. So today I’m going to have an ice cream. It might mean that I’m super hungry when I go to bed but Fuck it. I need a treat and guess what?? I’m still under my 1800 kcal. Oh yeah.

The food: Note the complete lack of carbs, fruit or vegetables to make room for 1 magnum! Is it worth it?

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Lunch (332 kcal) =133g of pork frikadella on 1 piece of rye bread + 27g pro
Main meal split into 3 (500 kcal) =250g pork frikadella + 50g protein

Magnum ice cream (party party) 260 kcal + 3,5g protein

1782 kcal + 159,5g protein.

The results……

Ok everybody, here’s the weeks pic. Starting to get some definition,  I’m nearly there. I think the creatine has given me the boost I was looking for in strength but also in muscle tone.

On the 15th of April I weighed 82 kilos there of 21.8% fat which is 17.9 kilos.
After 1 week 80.7 kilos, 20.3% fat which is 16.4 kilos.
After 2 weeks 80 kilos, 18.4% fat which is 14.7 kilos of fat.
After 3 weeks 79.9 kilos, 17.8% fat which is 14.2 kilos of fat. 

After 4 weeks I weighed in at 78.1 kilos, 17% fat which is 13.3 kilos of fat
It looks like I have lost 600g of muscle this week, which is strange. We will have to wait until the end of the 6 weeks to see if we think there was a mistake in the initial muscle mass gain but let’s not analyse too much now, we'll do that at the end. 

This week I have lost another 900g of fat. That puts me on a total fat loss of 4.6 kilos in 4 weeks god dam it!!!!
I’m 1.4 kilos off my goal. The goal is very much in sight and I’m feeling confident. 

I'm off to enjoy my ice cream. As I have to work tomorrow I'll take a rest day. I'll let you know what I end up eating. Have a great weekend. 

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