Hello again.
Today the blog notched up it's 1000th visit. Thankyou everybody for all the support.
Today is Thursday and It's the penultimate weigh in tomorrow. Last week I was on track and only 1.4 kilos of fat away from my goal. I'm quietly confident.
Today I'm back on top form again.
Never underestimate the power of sleep!! I've had 2 nights with 9-10 hours sleep and now I'm feeling as good as a very good thing.
Today I did the 4x4 intervals on the tredmill (4 min max speed 2 min 8km/h X4) and it felt really good. After that I did 30 min on the X-trainer at a good tempo, 5 min skipping (hard) and then rounded off with 30 min on the cardio wave all in all 65 min cardio. I felt I could do more but I don't want to have to rest again tomorrow.
The food: No slip ups today!! I was 82 kcal over yesterday so today I need to get that back.
25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein
10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)
Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein
40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein
Snack 100g chicken breast (110 kcal) + 20g protein
Snack 100g chicken breast (110 kcal) + 20g protein
Main meal split in 4 (600 kcal) + 56,5g protein
200g chicken breast (220 kcal) + 40 g protein
100g Bulgur (300 kcal) + 15g protein
86g cucumber (10 kcal)
83g Carrot (34 kcal)
10g onion (4 kcal)
109g red bell pepper (32 kcal) + 1,5 g protein
Late night snack (120 kcal) + 4,5g protein=
1 banana (80 kcal) 1g protein
100g A38 (40 kcal) 3,5g protein
All together 1620 kcal + 180g protein
Side note: It was a really good food day for me. Only 1620 kcal, happy, not hungry ever and plenty of protein. The full corn bulgur is good for me.
Cross your fingers for the weigh in tomorrow.
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