torsdag den 26. maj 2011

Day 39. Thursday. Special thanks

It's the last day of the challenge and I can't wait to drink a beer tomorrow night!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody that has supported me with the program. Thanks to Proteinfabrikken for their great products, Chris Pickering for challenging me on a daily basis, thanks to Patrick Boiken for pushing me, thanks to everybody (and there are so many of you) who has shown there interest and support for the project.
I need to especially thank my wife Rikke. She has been fantastic. From day 1 she jumped at the chance to join in and has even lost a couple of kilos herself. She has put up with buckets of protein powder everywhere, with me being tired all the time, me frying chicken at 6 am in the morning and training for hours in the weekend. Without her support this would not have worked at all. Thank you.

Todays training consisted of the 30-30 intervals followed by 30 min x-trianer and 30 min cardio wave.
Total of 1 hour cardio. No problems.
Todays food.

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

5g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (19 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

After training 40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein
Main meal split in 3 (571 kcal) 55,5g protein
140g Tuna (162 kcal) 40g protein
100g quinoa (350 kcal) + 13,5g protein
74g Mushrooms (16 kcal) + 2g protein
59g carrots (24 kcal)
65g red bell peppers (19 kcal) 

Snack 200g chicken breast (220 kcal) + 40g protein

Late night snack (120 kcal) + 7g protein
200g yoghurt 120 kcal + 7g protein

The grand total for today is 1571 kcal with 181,5g protein

Today was easy. It's the last day of training before the weigh in. Now there is nothing I can do. I made it or I didn't. Lets see tomorrow.

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