tirsdag den 17. maj 2011

Day 30. Tuesday. Harder then I thought.

Hi everybody.

I've only got 9 days left after today so I really need to make these days count.
Unfortunately today took me by surprise. After 2 hours of training yesterday morning and playing football late last night, today my legs felt like bags of sand. Heavy, wet and dragging behind me.

Needless to say after 15 min intervals on the treadmill I gave up. So I tried cycling. After 15 min cycling I had to give that up too. Much less cardio then planned today but there is nothing I can do about it. What I need now is 10 hours sleep and a fresh start in the morning. I can catch up tomorrow by doing a 90 min boxing class on top of the normal and then sleeping well tomorrow night. That should put me back on track.

Today's Food:

25g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (93 kcal) about 24g protein

10g Proteinfabrikken creatine powder (39 kcal)

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein

Snack (157 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread with 100g fish eggs. 11,5g protein

40g Proteinfabrikken whey Isolate powder (148 kcal) about 38g protein

Snack (157 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread with 100g fish eggs. 11,5g protein

Snack 50g dark chocolate (half a bar) = (290 kcal) that's a lot but my blood sugar was rock bottom.

main meal (400 kcal) + 58g protein =
250g chicken (275 kcal) + 50g proetin
5g garlic (8 kcal)
266g broccoli (93 kcal) + 8g protein
60g onoin (24 kcal)

Late night snack (132 kcal)  3g protein
50g A38 (20 kcal) + 2g protein
1 banana (80 kcal) + 1g protein
100g strawberry's (32 kcal)

1816 kcal with 163g protein. A little bit over on a low training day is not good but I'm sure I'll catch up tomorrow.

I'll let you know how I got tomorrow.

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