søndag den 1. maj 2011

Day 14. Sunday. Rest day.

Not much to tell you about today.

Rest day. Took it easy, slept in, was pretty happy I didn't have to train. Looking forward to weights first thing in the morning.


Breakfast: Morning protein shake 30g protein powder mixed in with my usual 100g porridge oats and 100g skimmed milk (520 kcal) and 47g protein.

Snack: 1 apple (65 kcal)

Snack: 1 egg (62 kcal) - 6g protein

1 big salad split into 3 meals  (423 kcal)  36 g protein
75g full corn bulgur (225 kcal) + 11 g protein
4 cherry tomatoes (11 kcal)
1 carrot (28 kcal)
cucumber (5 kcal)
120g chicken breast (132 kcal) + 25g protein
red pepper (22 kcal) 

Main meal (402 kcal) 37g protein
170g Lean steak (315 kcal) + 37g protein
Half a cauliflower (64 kcal)
108g asparagus (23kcal) 

30g Protein shake. (120 kcal) + 30g protein 

Evening snack (212 kcal) 8g protein
200g A38 (80 kcal) 7g protein
90g banana (80 kcal) 1g protein
100g apple (52 kcal)

Days total 1794 kcal and 164g protein

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