tirsdag den 26. april 2011

Day 9. Tuesday.

Hi again.

Got a bit of a shock last night. I thought I'd pulled a muscle in my left calf playing football. It feels really tight today so I didn't want to push it too much.
So it was a pretty slow day. I had to go to SATS Amager today which took about half an hour one way. When I got there I did 30 min on the x-trainer medium pace. I need to hit it a bit harder tomorrow.


Breakfast (460 kcal) = 100g porridge oats, 100g skimmed milk and 15 g protein powder. 32g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. 30g protein.

1st meal (280 Kcal) = 180g chicken breast+ 1 piece of rye bread. + 40g protein

3rd meal (250 kcal) = 140g mackrel in tomato sauce + 1 piece of rye bread. That gives me 13 g protein

Snack (65 kcal) = 1 apple

Snack (40 kcal) = 1/2 a pear

Main meal (434 kcal) which gives me 54g protein
50g chick peas. (182 kcal) + 10g protein
1 egg (90 kcal) + 9g protein
140g tuna (162 kcal) + 35g protein

Late snack (80 kcal). 200g A38 yoghurt. 9g protein

1729 kcal 178g protein (wow that's a lot of protein!!)

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