onsdag den 20. april 2011

Day 2. It's gonna be a long day!!

Tuesday was day two and I was really tired when I woke up, slept very poorly. Must be the full moon! I could really feel those squats and the football in my thighs. My legs weigh a ton and it’s only day 2.
Got 3-2-1 intervals on the treadmill then an hour of cardio. Fuck the thought of it seemed impossible.

For those of you that aren't familiar with 3-2-1 intervals they are easyest to do on the treadmill. I run for 3 min as fast as I can then I get 1 min break, Then 2 min as fast as I can, 1 min break, then 1 min as fast as I can then 2 min break. Repeat 3 times in total work out time 30 minuets.
I’m going to try the cardio wave machine today for my 1 hour cardio training se if that works.
Although running is my cardio of choice, I can’t just run for 9 hours a week.
The reason for this is: I haven’t run that much for a long time and if I just start from nothing to 9 hours a week I will get shin splints, and mess my knees up. if Shin splints or knee injury means game over. The other reason is that I need to keep myself occupied for an hour if I do the same thing over and over I’ll get board. As this is quite a challenge for me I need to keep my interest and motivation high. I need to make sure I’m looking forward to training not wishing I were doing something else.

Here’s the food plan for day 2:

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. That gives me 17g protein

After training (270 kcal) = 2 x low carb protein shakes. That gives me 50g protein.

2nd meal (250 kcal) = 100g sandwich chicken  + 1 piece of rye bread. That gives me 23 g protein

3rd meal (250 kcal) = 140g mackrel in tomato sauce + 1 piece of rye bread. That gives me 13 g protein

Main meal splits in 2. (650 kcal)

100g chick peas = 365 kcal + 20 g protein
180 g chicken breast = 250 + 38g protein
bit of peppers, carrot, tomato, (no more than 35 kcal)

1820 kcal +160g protein. Perfect. I wasn't hungry when I went to bed. Not tired. 

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