torsdag den 28. april 2011

Day 11. Thursday. Will my knees hold out?


It's Thursday and now I'm starting to feel the pain this week.
Remember I took my rest day on Saturday so now we're on 5 days of hard training in a row. My knees are really starting to feel the pressure.
I played a lot of football from childhood to my early 20s, since then I have done a lot of running so my knees have taken a beating. Tomorrow I have heavy weight training with my personal trainer Patrick Boiken so that's going to be a hard day too. Injury is not an option.

Today's training:

3-2-1 intervals 16 km/h - 17 km/h - 20 km/h only 1 min break between sets.
30 min steady pace on the X-trainer.

The Food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

1st meal (182 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 90g chicken breast. 19g protein

2nd meal (182 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 90g chicken breast. 19g protein

Main meal split into 2 (600 kcal) which gives me 66g protein=
100g full corn bulgur. (300 kcal) + 17g protein
1 carrot (25 kcal)
3 tomatoes (13 kcal)
51g 1 egg (61 kcal) 6g protein
140 g tuna (162 kcal) 40g protein
50g Green peas (39kcal) 3g protein

Snack (49 kcal) = 1 apple

To round off the day (160 kcal).
200g A38 yoghurt. (80 kcal) 9g protein
91g banana (80 kcal)

Total kcal for the day 1753 with 175g protein. Weigh in tomorrow. Can I hit 1.5 kilo again?

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