lørdag den 30. april 2011

Day 13. Saturday

Did 3-2-1 intervals today. Getting easier and easier. I'm going to put the pace up next time.
I am a little worried about shin splints though, it often comes when I raise the intensity too quick and that would give me problems. I really need to keep the intensity up and get my pulse peaking as close to 100% as possible. That's what kicks my metabolism into top gear. The other option is doing the intervals on the bike. We'll have to wait and see.  

The food:

Morning protein shake with 15g protein powder. (60 kcal) and 15g protein

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. 17g protein.

1st meal (267 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 2 fried eggs. 17g protein

2nd meal (274 kcal) = 1 piece of rye bread and 125g mackerel in tomato sauce. 19g protein

After training (120 kcal) = 30g protein mania. That gives me 30g protein.

3rd meal (354 kcal) = 2 piece of rye bread and 150g roast beef. 33g protein
Snack 1 apple (65 kcal)

Snack some strawberry (48 kcal)

Late night snack (1600 kcal).
200g A38 yoghurt. (80 kcal) 9g protein
91g banana (80 kcal)

1748 kcal 140 g protein.

Little low on the protein today but that's ok for one day. I need to keep an eye on that tomorrow.

Tomorrow is my rest day and I'm really looking forward to sleeping in.

Have a nice evening.

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