onsdag den 20. april 2011

Day 3. Wednesday. I forgot my lunch box


Day started with me forgetting my lunch box. So I got an extra 40 min cardio from cycling home to get it and then back to work again. There is genuinely nothing worse then the feeling you get when you realise you have forgotten your food. Especially when you are on such a tight diet.  The panic. The shear panic.

It's the easter break from tomorrow so today is a bit like a Friday. I would usually eat some ice cream or chocolate on the sofa on a Friday night with a glass of wine. I'm sure you can relate. 
Today I have cunningly made room for some yoghurt and a banana to substitute my sofa snack. I know I'm going to crave something.

Some plain yoghurt and a banana!! I've been in a great mood all day looking forward to that yoghurt and banana.

Today I started the day with heavy weights on my own. 
Same program as day 1. I super set the squats with the military press, the leg extensions with the leg curls, the dumbbell press with the dumbbell row and the ring roll outs with the joy stick twists.

Directly after the weights I have 1 hour of steady cardio holding my pulse between 70-80% vo2 max on the x-trainer. I will not be trying the 1 hour cardio on the wave again. That machine drained the life out of me.

Food plan:

Breakfast (400 kcal) = 100g porridge oats 100g skimmed milk. That gives me 17g protein

After training (270 kcal) = 2 x low carb protein shakes. That gives me 50g protein.

2nd meal (250 kcal) = 100g sandwich chicken  + 1 piece of rye bread. That gives me 23 g protein

Snack on (100 kcal) 1 apple and 1 pear

main meal split in 2  (575 kcal) 70 g protein
100g full corn bulgur (300 kcal) - 25 g protein
1 egg (105 kcal) - 8g protein
140g tuna (140 kcal) - 37g protein
bit of peppers, carrot, onion, (no more than 35 kcal)

Late night snack aka highlight of the day (220 kcal) 13 g protein
1 banana (100 kcal)
300g A38 yoghurt (120 kcal)

Total 1815 kcal and 173 g protein. 

So far I have been using Maxim low carb shakes. but as from tomorrow I will be using something a little better. I'll tell you more tomorrow.

Weigh in the day after tomorrow. Will it all be worth it?

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